Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We've been learning about bullying since elementary school. Going to assemblies to watch  silly shows that were supposed to make us think that bullying was bad, but shows that we only made fun of later. We know it's bad, sure we do. And I'm sure that most of us don't do it. That's great. But some of us do. Some of us are the bullies, some of us are bullied. Some don't know what either is like. But it happens, even in sheltered little Niskayuna. I know that we're so used to people telling us not to be a bully, that when we hear it now, it goes in one ear and out the other. "Sticks and stones", right? It doesn't matter if we say mean things sometimes, it's not like we're hurting anyone. But words are not softer than sticks and stones. They can hurt more if someone hears them enough. Do you think that only people who get beat up commit suicide? No. Words are not soft. Words kill. Maybe the next time you feel like spitting hateful words at someone, you can turn away. Leave them whole, don't be the one to scar them for life. You don't think words can do that? I'll bet if you think really hard, you can think of someone who said something to you that you will never forget. Don't be that person for someone else.

1 comment:

  1. Well now my face is red/puffy/tear-stained for my next class! I think this video should be showed to everyone in the school. I think there is just something about the narrators voice that just really hits you.
