Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Here is a little welcome to my blog. My welcome includes Jennifer Lawrence being amazing and a special surprise at the end. Go on. See what it is. (for the record, this is my not-to-be-graded post)

You may know her from The Hunger Games, but did you know that she is positively the best person in the universe?

                                                                             I mean
                                                                           how can
                                                                              you not
                                                                           love her

 And now, for your pleasure, I give you a hedgehog hugging a cat. Enjoy.

We've been learning about bullying since elementary school. Going to assemblies to watch  silly shows that were supposed to make us think that bullying was bad, but shows that we only made fun of later. We know it's bad, sure we do. And I'm sure that most of us don't do it. That's great. But some of us do. Some of us are the bullies, some of us are bullied. Some don't know what either is like. But it happens, even in sheltered little Niskayuna. I know that we're so used to people telling us not to be a bully, that when we hear it now, it goes in one ear and out the other. "Sticks and stones", right? It doesn't matter if we say mean things sometimes, it's not like we're hurting anyone. But words are not softer than sticks and stones. They can hurt more if someone hears them enough. Do you think that only people who get beat up commit suicide? No. Words are not soft. Words kill. Maybe the next time you feel like spitting hateful words at someone, you can turn away. Leave them whole, don't be the one to scar them for life. You don't think words can do that? I'll bet if you think really hard, you can think of someone who said something to you that you will never forget. Don't be that person for someone else.

Major Problems

Alright, let's face it. Choosing a major for college is annoying and hard. Heck, I've been trying to choose one since I was a freshman. First it's music, then theater, nursing, accounting, forensic science. When will it end? The thing about this choice is that it's very important, and will probably impact the rest of your life. And yet they expect us, at 17 or 18 years old, to make this tough, life-altering decision. One day they treat us like we're children, and the next they push us out on our own, expecting us to know what to do, how to live. And you know what I say to that?
If you expect me to know what I want to do with the rest of my life after I finish high school, then you have another thing coming to you! If you're going to teach me useless b.s. during my whole high school career, and not tell me how to figure out what I want to do with my life, then you are no help to me! Not one of my classes has taught me how to balance a check book or do my taxes. You tell me that I could have taken an elective to learn that?

Yah I could have, if I hadn't wanted to eat lunch every day. I can learn that in college, you say? What if I don't go to college, hmm? Then I'm stuck. Stuck not knowing what I need to know to live in this country. Stuck not knowing how to get a job, how to pay my bills, how to be an adult. Because we are treated like children until we aren't. No gradual transition. Child until your 18th birthday. Then you can do whatever the heck you want because you're an adult and we don't care anymore. Yes well, thanks for that. But I think I'll just be over here teaching myself how to be an adult, since no one else cares.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Nick Pitera is amazing

Have you ever seen someone sing both parts of a duet? Well of course, we all do it. But have you ever seen someone do it sounding exactly like both of the parts? I'm sure you haven't. Well now you can! Here...have some amazingly sung Disney music. Yes, it's all him singing. Trust me.

Like it? Well, here's another! This is all Les Mis, so don't listen if you're not into that, though you really should be.

And there you have it. Nick Pitera is amazing and should be famous. Anyway, the point of this post is that everyone is talented, but maybe some people are more talented than others (Nick Pitera being one), but even if you're not as talented as Nick, there's no reason to fret! There are so many famous people that aren't as talented as he is, so if that's what you want to be, you still can. Do what you want, and don't give up. And maybe one day you'll be as amazing as Nick Pitera. That is all. Here, have a winking RDJ to get you through the day.